About Kearney
Kearney Foundation of Soil Science was created to encourage and support research in the fields of soils, plant nutrition, and water science within the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the University of California. Its five-year missions are dedicated to issues of public concern and are planned and implemented to support three major goals of the California Agricultural Experimental Station:
1. To develop knowledge that will ensure a continuing supply of nutritious foods, fibers, and natural resources products in adequate amounts at low cost without adverse effects on the physical environment or consumer
2. To develop knowledge that will ensure a physical environment of high quality by enabling its users to manage and enjoy their natural resources endowments more wisely
3. To develop knowledge that will contribute to the improvement of public health and economic and social surroundings.
The Kearney Foundation was established in 1951 through an endowment managed by the University of California Board of Regents. It is named in honor of Martin Theodore Kearney a prominent agricultural leader in the history of California's San Joaquin Valley. It was Kearney's bequest of his 5400-acre estate to the University of California that ultimately led to the establishment of the Foundation.
To view previous Kearney missions, please click here.